Keshav-Rangnath (KR) Excellence in Research Award
A biannual award across all disciplines at IIT Madras for Ph.D. research.
First prize, Robert Bosch Centre for DS and AI Annual Research Showcase
Poster on the use of RL in interference estimation on multi-core systems.
Semi-finalists, Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge 2020
Selected in the Top 100 out of 6K participating teams for our proposed design of a
secure and versatile framework for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) which includes
deploying ROS on RISC-V Shakti processors.
Advanced Research Opportunities Program Fellowship
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.
Winners, Embedded Security Challenge, CSAW (India Region)
Hosted at IIT Kanpur, India, organized by New York University, USA.
ISEA Research Fellowship
Information Security Education and Awareness, MeiTy, Govt. of India.